Nearly 20 years ago on my 21st birthday, my
dear friend gave me a gift I treasure to this day, a book in which she wrote
these words:
Amy, May this book help you grow closer to your Heavenly Father as you learn to
be “carefully careless” about everything but your relationship with Him.”
The book, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald
Chambers (or OC as I like to call him) is my favorite devotional companion (not
counting the Bible, of course). I
am spending time with OC again this summer, finding gems on a daily basis. Here is one from today:
am free only that I may be an absolute bondservant of His.’ That is the
characteristic of a Christian’s life once this level of spiritual honor and
duty becomes real. Quit praying about yourself and spend your life for the sake
of others as the bondservant of Jesus. That is the true meaning of being broken
bread and poured-out wine in real life.”
I love the phrase, “broken bread and poured-out wine”,
how it connects the elements of communion with living a life of service and
sacrifice. In the physical act of
communion, we remember the sacrifice of Jesus as we chew and swallow the bread,
as the liquid slips down our throats.
Chambers urges us to live our lives as committed-for-life servants of
Jesus. Jesus showed us the way to
do this, not just in His ultimate sacrifice, but in the others-focused life of service
He lived.
Personally, I like to keep my loaves whole and intact, my
wine bottle neatly corked and stored on the shelf. But living as broken bread and poured-out wine means,
instead, being willing to be broken, divided, chewed, consumed; being poured out
as rich liquid for the nourishment and sustenance of others.
This pouring out, this breaking looks different in our
individual lives. It can be asking
a calm question instead of retaliating with a sharp word; responding graciously
to an ungracious child; waiting patiently for someone who is serving us, at an
appointment or a business, recognizing that they are people, valuing them over
our schedules; signing up for the not-so-glamorous job at church; or forgoing
sleep because a friend needs to talk late into the night.
I am reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 12:1, NIV:
I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies
as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper
We are facing some crazy things in our lives right now, even
over and above the cross-country move.
I long for communion, for the peace of abiding with Christ. Living as broken bread and poured-out
wine means that in the sacrifice, right there in the breaking and the pouring,
is the communion I am desperate for.
Here in the sorting and parenting and the towering pile of unknowns, in the
daily sacrifice of serving and interruptions and plans gone awry, there is
Another beautiful message, Amy, and a great lesson. I'm so glad your blog entries have been more frequent of late. :)
Dear Sue, thank you for reading, and for your sweet encouragement!