Happy New Year!
Guess how I celebrated the end of 2012? Helping my 6th grader
complete his science fair project board!
Not glamorous or exciting, but it earned me a hug and a “Thanks for
helping me with my project, Mom” at the end of the evening, which was very
With kids tucked in and the clock ticking toward midnight,
my thoughts are finally turning toward the New Year: 2013. I can hardly believe another year has
come and gone. For me, this past
year was one of those where the thing I really wanted to happen didn’t, but lots
of great things DID happen, and I am grateful.
The change of calendar year causes me to ponder changes I
want to see in my life and goals I want to accomplish. To be honest, I have some big goals for
2013. It is easy to become
overwhelmed and feel like giving up before I even start.
I do know a bit about accomplishing goals. In 2001, I ran the LA Marathon. It was a huge achievement, one I am
very proud of. I definitely didn’t do it alone. My friend Bonnie drove to my home three
days a week in the morning dark to run the miles needed to be ready for the big
race. As we ran, we helped each
other in so many ways. We told
each other stories, which helped take our minds off the pain we were
feeling. We made up silly songs to
chant as we ran up the hills and, most importantly, we were faithful to be
there week in and week out, mile after mile.
Running with Bonnie helped me reach my goal. Having a friend, a coach, or a mentor
come alongside us as we work toward our goals can be invaluable. But we don’t always have a Bonnie
nearby, someone who understands what we are doing and is willing to support us
along the way.
Do you have a goal you want to accomplish in 2013? Has there been a dream planted in your
heart, and are you wondering how it will come to fruition? Do you wish you had someone to come
alongside you as you step into this New Year?
Holley Gerth is a writer who has a true gift of
encouragement and mentorship. She
has written an ebook called “The Do What You Can Plan: 21 Days to Making AnyArea of Your Life Better”. It is a
valuable tool for helping us meet our goals for 2013. In her words: “Instead of resolutions, it’s time for real
solutions.” The book is both
practical and dreamy. She
straddles beautifully the two sides of the goal coin: how will we practically
achieve the goal; and what dreams in our heart are fueling the need to
accomplish the goal?
It is a book full of grace, realism, inspiration, and
hope. She also addresses bad days,
the nay saying voices in our heads, and other pitfalls we may encounter along
the way.
You can read an excerpt from the book at Holley’s blog. Or follow this link to download your
copy now.
I read through "The Do What You Can Plan" once already, and I am looking
forward to returning from my trip to Boston (leaving on the 2nd...yay!) and digging in to the book
in depth. I will be writing down
my thoughts here during the 21 days.
Will you join me?